Tuesday, February 12, 2019

How to Control Negativity

What is Negativity? just a feeling, or more than that? Let us find out more about it.

Let's create a scenario. Ask 10 people about your ideal career and find out answers. You will definitely find deviations in replies. Some will directly put their ideas on you. Some will ask your inputs such as interests, wish. Some may tell you to follow what they have already tested.

Some of them may motivate you to get your dreams while some may discourage you like you are good for nothing. Here comes the negativity. Ignoring the fact that you are capable of shaping your own life is the point where negativity starts.

There are only two sources of negativity -  one is inside you and another is from people or circumstances surrounding you.

Negativity comes due to lack of confidence.  You soaked all the negativity inside because you missed to understand your capabilities.

Now, what to do.

Here is the simple solution. Create an imaginary wall between your ears and mind and allow only those lines to pass which qualifies to be heard. You are not a garbage bin indeed! so keep all the garbage outside. And always have faith in your capabilities.

Do a commitment to yourself every day you wake up that you will listen to yourself only because you can better decide for yourself what is better and what is not.

You have to be consistently positive about you. If still, you feel down or looking for moral support then talk to yourself first.

Still, wish to share something to me. Write it down to me here.


Tuesday, February 5, 2019

A Backward Step

Coming back is not easy!
Coming back needs more courage!
Travelling old paths has never been sounded well!
One need to show hard guts to step backward in life!