Thursday, August 23, 2012

Sheets of My Life

Think about last night between the sheets..Was it horrible? Or you found some witty things around?

These sheets are the best fellow you have.  You can cry with them, they will be there to hold your tears.  You wish to not to share your salty feelings with anybody, they will hide you.  Happiness, joy, sorrow, calm, anger and whatsoever your mood is, sheets will be with you to hide or to show.

You agree to accept it or not, but this is the only one thing, who will never leave you.  It will be there when you were in death bed.  Your last journey will not be completed without it.

Remember the day, when you were a new born baby, you were wrapped around with a sheet.  You take it seriously or not but this is the only thing you've who will be with you when all your relatives say good bye to you.  It will get burnt with you.